In my recent book, "The Eighth Page," I discuss understanding that hope is based in something bigger than us. Much bigger. Something that's sovereign and immovable. Something untouched by everything that we could touch it with as a means of destroying it. “Pausing and scanning the landscape for a moment, he turned back to little David and … [Read more...]
To Stop and Smell the Roses
In my book, "An Intimate Collision," I tell the story of a blind man named Doug. Doug lived his life walking through it touching, smelling, holding and savoring everything along the way. He savored the journey because his handicap left him with little alternative. Doug did not live for great goals. Rather, he lived for small things. And to … [Read more...]
The Fullest Embodiment of Love
In my book, "An Intimate Collision," the first chapter engages the these of "love." But it does so not in the sense of human love and the shallowness of that kind of love. Rather, it engages it in terms of God's love, which is both the fullest embodiment of love as well as the fullest expression of our humanity. A quote drawn from that chapter … [Read more...]
The Desperate Need of Prayer – A Selection of Quotes
The desperate need for prayer in our world can hardly be understated. It is the invincible porthole that grants us access to the halls of heaven and the throne of God. It is the hope for this world of ours as the solutions of men are simply that…of men. And since men have crafted the devastation and darkness that lays thick and dense around us, … [Read more...]
Liberty – It’s Not Something That Just Is
Too often we don’t appreciate what we didn’t work for or had to sacrifice for in one way or another. Hand something to us with no effort exerted on our part to acquire it, and we’ll probably exhibit some scantily shallow and rather quickly fleeting degree of appreciation for it. But make us work for something and expend actual energy in order to … [Read more...]
Fear – The Monster in the Closet
We all have our monsters, whatever they may be. For some, it’s fear of failure. For others it’s lack of self-confidence. And then there are other monsters like fear of relationships, or fear of risk, or fear of being vulnerable, or fear of rejection. Then there’s the more obvious one’s like fear of heights or confined spaces or crowds. The … [Read more...]
Essentials for the New Year – Familiarity and Comfort
I am quite good at replication. Indeed, I am very adept of taking that which is, whatever that is, and repeating it over and over. In fact, I can repeat any number of things to repetitive perfection which sometimes turns into repetitive redundancy. I can do that quite well because I’m quite familiar with that which I am repeating. Whatever it … [Read more...]
Playing with the Dark – Careless in the Shadows
We find ourselves captivated by a whole lot of things. There’s a whole bunch of stuff that we become absolutely fascinated with, sometimes to the point that we’re held in some sort of riveted hypnotic trance. A lot of times we’re kind of like mesmerized moths who find ourselves irresistibly drawn to some sort of light, erratically fluttering … [Read more...]
Celebrating Our Great Good – Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity
There appears to be this morbid and seemingly trance-like focus on all that’s wrong in our world. This negative focus generates a debilitating sense of hopelessness that seems to exponentially grow to catastrophic proportions and beyond. We need to be painfully honest about the difficulties in our world, for to state that they are anything less … [Read more...]
What I Want – The Frightening Call of Great Things
I want to be happy, but I don’t think I want to be satisfied. I want to experience a resilient and wonderfully endearing sense of contentment that neatly threads itself through every part of my soul, but I don’t want that contentment to morph into the baser mentality of complacency. I want to keep a weathered eye on every horizon, but I want to … [Read more...]
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