Some statistics suggest that only ten percent of the population fully achieve their potential. If the statistic is true, it is indeed tragic. Craig’s goal is to assist the individual in recognizing the extent of their potential and then maximizing that potential to its fullest in the various areas of their lives.
Work in the area of personal growth involves an aggressive format where the individual’s strengths and abilities are highlighted, affirmed, cultivated and maximized. Then, the manner and place within which those strengths and abilities can be most effectively utilized are also highlighted. In most situations, this involves maximizing them in the present context within which the patient lives and works. In other instances, it involves setting a new life direction where the patient can more fully utilize their abilities.
To render the process fully effective, a wide array of testing and assessment tools is utilized to maximize outcomes in the shortest time frames. Additionally, other informational resources are likewise provided. Individuals committed to their own personal growth and development can experience significant personal growth.