There is a tremendous and completely ingenious capability inherent in our humanity that exceeds our wildest expectations. Sadly, we have dumbed ourselves down to the point that we have compromised, and in many cases altogether forfeited these marvelous capabilities. In doing so, our conviction regarding our capability is marginalized to near … [Read more...]
Being Thankful – Attitudes that Enliven
It seems that Thanksgiving; at least the meaning of it all is being lost somewhere. In many respects we’ve traded it wholesale for football, turkey, an insane variety of foodstuffs and an excuse for a four day weekend. In a lot of ways it’s become more the starting gun to Christmas; a brief celebration with a built-in justification to gorge … [Read more...]
Father’s Day Quotes to Enrich Your Holiday
Over the years I have written an extensive array of books, articles, blogs and quotes. During special times of the year, I search these writings for quotes to both enrich and enlarge our celebration of that particular season. For Father’s Day, I have selected a handful of quotations that express the power and importance of being a father. In a … [Read more...]
Manhood Manifest – Kisses in Death
The definition of manhood has undergone a torturous number of questionable revisions. Some of those revisions have been reflectively thoughtful. However, most of them appear to have been largely thoughtless. It seems that we’ve attempted to realign the definition of manhood in order to better align it with other definitions in our culture that … [Read more...]
What I Work to Remember – They Are People
When we get frustrated with people and begin to skirt the periphery of hatred, maybe we should consider a few things. When we come to despise them and wish to rid ourselves of them, maybe we should ask who they really are and what they’re really experiencing. When our tolerance level has long been surpassed and rage is all we know, maybe should … [Read more...]
To Think With Thought – Wise Words for Today’s Problems
Sometimes we let the nature of the times feed fear and engender apprehension. We find ourselves swept away on the larger tide of some crisis within which we lose our balance and sacrifice our objectivity. We become part of the chaos rather than being an instrument to ascertain the gravity of the chaos and thereby bring an ascending calm to it. … [Read more...]
Abandonment – When People Make Destructive Choices
There are times when we the best of our logic fails to understand the worst of other’s behaviors. It’s part of the oddity or maybe complexity of the human psyche that we sometimes make choices that defy any shred of reason or seem void of even the slightest hint of sensibility. More times than we can count we stand in awe of the choices that some … [Read more...]
Spring Cleaning – It’s On the Other Side
Cleaning; it’s the upkeep side of life. It’s the irritating drudgery that’s always following us with broom in hand. Cleaning is the voracious vacuum that’s never satisfied, the frantic feather duster that spews more dust than it captures, and the less than palatable reality that things don’t clean themselves. The imagery is one of a collection … [Read more...]
Kicking the Can – Ignorance, Stupidity and Denial
Face it, there are just some things that we don’t like to do. We all have those irritating things that incessantly demand our attention. Every one of us has a collection of loathsome demands that keep throwing themselves in front of us. Our lives are chock full of repetitive tasks, missed agenda items, overdue obligations, lapsed deadlines, and … [Read more...]
Worthy To Be Called – That’s You
"The Self That I Long to Believe In" is a book that I wrote about the scourge of low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is caustic, debilitating and destructive. It eats away at our relationships, our dreams, our abilities and our very souls. One evidence of our worth is the fact that we've all been called. We've all been granted a purpose. We are … [Read more...]
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