There’s pain, and then there’s intensely deep pain. We all have pain. We all have the pain of failed experiences, sordid disappointments, wasted opportunities and wasted investments that we thought were opportunities. There’s the pain of not being where we imagined being, of being forced to embrace dreams as more fantasy than substance, of … [Read more...]
Father’s Day Quotes to Enrich Your Holiday
Over the years I have written an extensive array of books, articles, blogs and quotes. During special times of the year, I search these writings for quotes to both enrich and enlarge our celebration of that particular season. For Father's Day, I have selected a handful of quotations that express the power and importance of being a father. In a … [Read more...]
Discouragement – Courage, Determination and Persistence
Life has a way of walloping us; something like a train hurtling out of nowhere and we just happen to be standing on the tracks. Sometimes the hit is expected as we've seen it coming from a long ways off. Many times it's not expected at all. Sometimes it might be entirely justified, being the natural outcome of our poor choices or lax attitude or … [Read more...]
Mother’s Day Quotes to Enrich Your Holiday
Over his many years as a counselor, life coach, pastor and author, Craig has written an extensive array of quotes outlining the critically important role of a mother in the life of a child. To enhance the celebration of Mother’s Day, he has carefully chosen a selection of these quotes to share with his readers. It is Craig’s hope that these … [Read more...]
Celebrating Our Great Good – Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity
Particularly at times like these, there appears to be this morbid and seemingly trance-like focus on all that’s wrong in our world. This negative focus generates a debilitating sense of hopelessness that seems to exponentially grow to catastrophic proportions and beyond. We need to be painfully honest about the difficulties in our world, for to … [Read more...]
The Lost Art – Parenthood
There is a tremendous and completely ingenious capability inherent in our humanity that exceeds our wildest expectations. Sadly, we have dumbed ourselves down to the point that we have compromised, and in many cases altogether forfeited these marvelous capabilities. In doing so, our conviction regarding our capability is marginalized to near … [Read more...]
Being Thankful – Attitudes that Enliven
It seems that Thanksgiving; at least the meaning of it all is being lost somewhere. In many respects we’ve traded it wholesale for football, turkey, an insane variety of foodstuffs and an excuse for a four day weekend. In a lot of ways it’s become more the starting gun to Christmas; a brief celebration with a built-in justification to gorge … [Read more...]
Bobbing and Weaving
We all dance. Every one of us diligently works to side-step those things that we find less than palatable or downright ugly. We cleverly work to circumvent, defuse and detour around all of the many things that we find unsavory and therefore prefer not to deal with. In essence, we bob and weave and we tend to do a lot of it. Certain times … [Read more...]
Father’s Day Quotes to Enrich Your Holiday
Over the years I have written an extensive array of books, articles, blogs and quotes. During special times of the year, I search these writings for quotes to both enrich and enlarge our celebration of that particular season. For Father’s Day, I have selected a handful of quotations that express the power and importance of being a father. In a … [Read more...]
Manhood Manifest – Kisses in Death
The definition of manhood has undergone a torturous number of questionable revisions. Some of those revisions have been reflectively thoughtful. However, most of them appear to have been largely thoughtless. It seems that we’ve attempted to realign the definition of manhood in order to better align it with other definitions in our culture that … [Read more...]
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