Bobbing and Weaving – The Dance of Justification and Rationalization
Betrayal – The Stink and the Struggle
Being Thankful – A Forgotten Art
A New Life
To Believe – I Want to Believe
Mediocrity – The Waste of Fear and Absent Vision
To Decide or Not Decide – The Impact
Decisions. Life is quite literally jam-packed with them. We make them all of the time; literally one after another after another. Hardly a single minute passes where we’re not thinking through and making some sort of decision. Some decisions are huge and sweeping, amply possessing both the power and scope to impact our lives for the rest of our … [Read more...]
Life – What’s the End Game?
Sooner or later our lives will be over. The day will come when we will reach the last minute of the last day on the last page of the calendar of our lives. Sooner or later we will all have that single day when ‘tomorrow’ won’t be standing at the ready to become the next ‘today.’ Our days have always been marked by the promise of another day to … [Read more...]
Endings – Am I Living for Them? – II
Our Beliefs We all have a host of core beliefs, cherished perspectives, and chiseled morals that guide us through the decisions of each hour and steer us through the demands of our days. Yet, too often these compasses and assorted maps are less the product of deep contemplation, and more the manifestation of what we’ve simply picked up along … [Read more...]