I am only one. That’s all I am. I am only one and I will always be only one. I was born as one, I will live as one, and on the day of my death I will die as one. In this journey that we all call life, I will always be completely restricted to being one and only one. And all of those daunting realities strike me as miserably pathetic. Sadly, I am only one.
I am only one in a mammoth sea of surging humanity within which my single goal is often simply to survive. The winds will blow and the tides will roll in whatever way they choose to. And whatever choice they make will dictate the ways that I will go because I’m far too small to swim against them. I am only one, and being one doesn’t appear to be enough.
I am only one, and because I am, even the reality of my existence is of little note. In the span of this minute, or this hour, or this day, or in the span of history itself my existence will not only be largely disregarded, it won’t even register enough to acknowledge that I was here in the first place. Even the briefest notation that I will make on the pages of history will be entirely lost in the infinite volumes of written copy that stretch from mankind’s earliest moments to his eventual demise because I am only one.
Living as Being Only One
And so, because I am only one, I relegate myself to being only one. And in relegating myself to being only one, I embrace the limitations that I perceive are part and parcel of being only one. I suit-up in the pathetic apparel of powerlessness, I chart a path of capitulation that’s dictated by the insensitive winds and tides of life, and I bow to the lamentable goal of surrender because I figure that’s about as good as it gets. And then I hunker down and wait for whatever’s going to happen to me, letting my mind spin in wild gyrations as I frantically attempt to figure out how I’m going to deal with whatever’s going to happen when it eventually happens.
But I Am One
But I am one, and that’s infinitely better than being “none.” I am one, which puts me on equal footing with everyone else. Every single person in human history who impacted history in ways either large or small faced the same exact dilemma that I am faced with: they were “one” and no more than one. I am only one, but I do not stand as empty or hollow or void. Quite the opposite. This “one” that I am comes packaged with innumerable gifts, talents and abilities that stand at the ready. I am only one, but that “one” that I am is entirely different from any other “one” that has ever lived in the entire expanse of human history. I am only one, but I have inspiring dreams and rich visions for life that are unlike those held by anyone else. I am only one, but I have unbridled access to everyone other “one” around me. Oh yes, I am only one, but I am “one.”
The Opportunity in Being “One”
I am unbelievably privileged to be one, particularly the “one” that I am. I don’t think I’d really want it any other way. But I only get this one single, sole opportunity to take this “one” that I am and use it to make a difference in all the other “ones” around me. I have the privilege of impacting the “ones” around me, who will in turn impact other “one’s,” who will in turn impact yet other “ones.” I can be one person who impacts the world “one” person at a time, and in doing so I can potentially impact all of the “ones” in all of the world. That’s not a bad deal. So, I’d be wise to take advantage of this one and only one shot I get at being “one.”
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