The Grand Contradiction Christmas . . . what do you visualize when you think about Christmas? Dancing lights, shimmering bulbs, air thick with the delicate aroma of turkey; wisps ascending from frothy cups of hot chocolate. Maybe your mind races warm with thoughts of carefully selected gifts, sugar cookies rendered brilliant by colored frosting … [Read more...]
Surviving the Holidays – Memories
Speaking to Our Deepest Humanity Christmas and New Years are both rich with meaning and filled with ornate tradition. Christmas beautifully embodies and subsequently displays a desperately needed hope that something bigger is with us, that ‘God is with us’ despite how terribly difficult our journey might be, how terrifyingly lonely we so … [Read more...]
Christmas In a Box – Accepting Our Rescue
As the snow began to quietly début winter’s arrival, I made my yearly descent to the basement. Rummaging through the backwaters of the musty root cellar, I spied the dusty stack of aged boxes with the word “Christmas” hastily scrawled across their cardboard sides. Inside of them lay the wonder of Christmas embodied in carefully crafted … [Read more...]
Christmas – The Nature of God
We humanize God. It’s in our nature to create and craft a god who is more of us and less of anything divine. We have this terribly odd proclivity to need a god, but to concurrently need that god to be something that we can control. We want a deity that has enough supernatural qualities to rush into our lives in times of crisis, or handily answer … [Read more...]
Being Thankful – Attitudes that Enliven
Being thankful stands in stark and debilitating contrast to entitlement. If we sense that we are entitled to something, it is then presumed to be ours by right. If it is ours by right, then there is no legitimate need to be thankful for it. Our overriding mentality and our general orientation to life becomes marked by a sense that we are owed, and … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving – Contrary to the Culture
Thanksgiving. To the destruction and detriment of those who live there, it will perish in an environment within which a sense of entitlement and greed rules the day. Conversely, on the opposite end of that spectrum, a sense of thanksgiving will thrive and it will breathe life into any place where a heart of appreciation and gratitude refuses to … [Read more...]
Thankful for the Possibility of Possibilities – Flying with the Geese
As a kid, I remember the geese. Living along the Atlantic flyway, we had front row seats to nature on a grand quest. Nature’s dazzling palette had liberally painted the forests in burning reds, sizzling oranges and electric yellows as if nature had unleashed the whole of its artistic abilities in some massive brushstroke. Cascading off every … [Read more...]
Thankfulness – Climbing Trees and Mending Shoes
Snow had graced her simple headstone with white, embellishing a life of poverty with a garnish of royalty. In similar fashion, winter’s kiss had regally adorned the muscular branches of the red oak that stood as a broad and gentle sentry above her grave. She had always wanted to be buried under an oak tree for the simple reason that poverty, … [Read more...]
Delivering the Newspaper – Lessons in Thanksgiving
I started delivering newspapers when I was a tender nine years of age. Had I been an adult looking at the nine year old that I was at the time, I probably wouldn’t have let myself take on the job at that age. In fact, I might have thought such as idea as skirting the periphery of the insane. But with my parent’s blessing, I started delivering … [Read more...]
Bobbing and Weaving – The Dance of Justification
We’re not all too bad at bobbing and weaving. We’re pretty good at side-stepping and side-lining issues. We’re quite adept at cutting and spinning, doing a bit of fanciful dodging, as well as deftly running the obstacle course without getting so much as a scratch on us. We’ve learned to see things coming from a long ways away, and we’ve figured … [Read more...]
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